Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Another year has come and gone. If you know me or my family, or if you read my blog post from last year on this date, you know what I am talking about. On August 15, 2000 my father died very suddenly of a heart attack. Seven years. SEVEN! Just under a quarter of my life spent with out my dad. Unfortunately that percentage will continue to climb.

Death stinks.

Just last week Thursday I attended the memorial service here in Escondido for Dr. den Dulk. Memories flooded back. Dr. den Dulk was a very close friend of my father and he kept in contact with us over the past seven years. Being in the EURC sanctuary almost seven years to the day from when the funeral service for my father took place was hard to say the least. It was especially hard when people I knew approached me and talked about my father (which I loved to hear). But at one point I had to go into another room and physically weep after somebody told me they still kept a photo of my father in their personal files. Even after seven years, all the thoughts, all the memories, all pain, all the grief are still right there.

Death stinks.

The memorial service for Dr. den Dulk was very nice mostly because Dr. den Dulk planned it. He picked out the songs, he picked out the passages to be meditated on, he chose who was going to speak. We had to do all of that on our own in two days, in not the best state of mind. I think we did a good job considering and we had guidance from Dr. Godfrey, Rev. Cammenga, and others which was invaluable.

There is so much more I could say, but a lot of it I did last year. Here is the link to that post.

Someday soon I am going to try and post the audio from my father's memorial service on-line so that you can hear it. I have to convert it from Audio Tape (it was aaaallllll the way back in 2000 after all) into digital. All the guys did a great job considering how much pain they were feeling as well, but Rev. Cammenga's message was really good.

That is all. Make sure you say "I Love You" to your parents!



Blogger Matt said...

Hi Mark,

Long time, no see. Thanks for reminding me of your dad.

I remember that summer of 2000 well. I always regretted that I couldn't make it to the funeral, but my internship duties in Santa Barbara made that impossible.

Of course, it was your dad who was quite supportive of me delegating grounds-keeping duties that summer, while I was away working at a church...all the while telling me that I'd have my job back come the following school year (which would be my last).

It certainly was a shock to hear of his passing.

I have many good memories of your dad as my 'boss' for those 2 1/2 years I worked for him on the grounds. And those were some hectic years, with the chapel going in!

I remember times where he would ask me to do something...and I would have to say, "I'm not quite sure how to do that!" He would always explain it politely, and even on a couple of occasions actually went out to do it with me...when I know he probably had much bigger things to do in the grand scheme of Westminster!

One of my favorite stories was the Saturday afternoon I was working, around the time that the vandalism was a problem. I forget why your dad was up there, but he was working in the office, as I recall. Then, as I was driving the tractor, I remember seeing this guy running across the 'Back 40' lawn with what looked to be a partially-erected tent...not something you see every day on the grounds!!

Then I noticed near the maintenance shed your dad pointing his finger at him!!! It was a funny image, although I'm sure your dad didn't find too much humor in it. The following week I asked him, "What in the world was that guy doing with a tent?" And your dad said, "Oh, he said he was waiting for his girlfriend (next to the student lounge), to which I replied, 'No you're not, buddy!'" LOL!! I would have given anything to have seen that, although I'm glad I caught the tail end of it....because it was hilarious!

Yes, I enjoyed working for him.

Looks like you had great time in Malawi. I loved spending 3 weeks in Uganda with a WSC graduate back in '99 -- a great part of the world in need of the Gospel.

Keep in touch!


12:46 PM  

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