Friday, June 06, 2008

A Recession and the Prosperity Gospel

A thought occured to me this morning as I was walking into work. Since it looks as if we are at the beginning (I guess it has been going on for a while) of an economic recession with the largest monthly increase of unemployment rates in 20 years, I wondered how the prosperity gospel preachers are going to handle this? I would assume it is easier for them to gain a captive audience as to the blessings they can claim from God when the economy is doing great as it was for the past 20 years or so. But what happens when people loose jobs and can't make ends meet and all their pastor is telling them is "have more faith" and "claim your blessings from God?" I also wondered, distraughtly, how many people would walk away from this faith based not on Christ's propitiatory sacrifice but on their bank accounts, homes, and overall prosperity.

These people being hit in this "economic slow-down" need to hear that their reward, the only reward that God actually promises his children, will be found in heaven, not in this present evil age. In short these people need to hear the GOSPEL!!

Put another way I guess we can ask a question, "Will our faith withstand a serious economic depression?" Ultimately what is the object of our faith? If it is Christ and his accomplishments, we can be assured that there is nothing that will separate us from God's love.

I could try and work this out a bit, but I just wanted to throw that out there and see if you had any comments.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like where you're taking this, and I'd like to work out some ideas with you if you want to send me an email.

I'm sure it's been done before, but that's never stopped us in the past!

1:52 PM  

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