Monday, June 11, 2007

And we are off...

Well, actaully it is 8:00 PDST now, so we are leaving Escondido in under 7 hours, and leaving Los Angeles in 11.

I cannot believe that we are actually doing this! Are we actually going to be in Africa in two days and in Malawi in three (D.V.)? On the other side of the world and underneath the equator? Amazing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's weird to think about stuff like where you will be in a few hours or the future.

It's like that for me whenever I go on a trip. Just like it's weird when I think about where I'll be in the future or if I'll even be in the future (at least on Earth). People think that's depressing but I say people die every day so what, except for God's mercy and grace, could stop me from dying? Who can know what will happen in the future or if you'll be breathing. And so I thank God for everyday that I am alive because it could be my last.

So I got very off topic. I will pray for both you and your wife and the success of your trip.

God does such wondrous things, doesn't He? I'm not trying to be "deep" or thought-provoking or something; it's just something which I think we tend to forget sometimes even though when we say it, it seems so...obvious.

God's blessings!

~Fellow sister of Santee CURC~

9:23 PM  

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